The twelve astrological signs are grouped together according to their characteristics into four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. The fire signs are made up of the Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo star signs.
Known for their passion and dynamic personalities, the fire signs cannot be easily ignored. Just like a fire is kindled to provide warmth but can turn deadly if ignored, the fire signs are volatile and destructive if taken lightly. Here are some interesting facts about each of the fire signs.

DarkMoon_Art/Pixabay. Aries have a love for adventure and new experiences
Aries - the one with the forehead scar
Aries are born leaders, with clarity of thought a remarkable decision-making ability. Their liveliness and a zealous attitude towards life make them a go-getter who is not afraid to take up challenges.
They are problem-solvers by nature and can take the first step to mediate any dispute. Known for their courage and self-reliability, many Aries have a physical trait in common. An Aries can be distinguished by a scar on their forehead, symbolizing that they rushed towards new activities and adventures as a child.

KevinsPhotos/Pixabay. Leos are famous for their lion-like mane
Leos- the one with the great hair
Leos have a penchant for showmanship, dramatics, and the arts. They often make amazing salespeople–with their creativity, courage, and strength, Leos are often associated with lions, and just like a lion, Leos are known for their shiny, healthy hair. An interesting trait that Leos possesses is their inclination towards physical activity and exercise; Leos are more likely to go to a gym and keep up with a fitness regime compared to other star signs.

Felipe Simo/Unsplash. Sagittarians are often identified through their oval faces
Sagittarius - the one with the oval face
Sagittarians are known for their love for adventure, generosity, and thrill-seeking nature. They are bottom-liners, often tying up loose ends on both professional and personal matters. They are pretty mutable, making them an ideal team player, given their fiery nature and the ability to look at the big picture.
Sagittarians are always looking to learn and do new things in life. They are easily bored with routine and a monotonous lifestyle. Likened to the fast pace and long face of a horse, Sagittarians are distinguished by their cute oval faces, with the speed to match. They have a restless nature and to avoid being easily bored, they like to keep their plate full at all times.