Traveling is a lesson in itself, and while most of us don't travel for learning, but for leisure only, it surely teaches us a thing or two about life. Here are some tips to ensure your trip doesn't end up becoming a life lesson for you:
Always plan ahead:
No matter how well you have planned your trip, things that can go wrong will go wrong. It is best to prepare for the worst case scenario, more mentally than you can prepare for physically. Being in that mental headspace isn’t meant to make you anxious or take away your joy that we all travel for, but it can keep you cautious and mentally active for any mishaps that may occur. You are also more confident during your trips if you have prepared well for it.

fotoblend/Pixabay. Buying bottled water is expensive and bad for the environment
Keep your water bottle with you:
This may seem like a trivial matter to you, but bringing your own water bottle can prove to be an extremely healthy, sustainable and cost-friendly tip while traveling. It ensures that you use less plastic, will always have means for instant hydration, and is overall great for the environment as you produce less waste. Many cities have drinking fountains operating free of cost, and you can save a considerable amount by filling your own bottle instead of buying bottled water each time you feel thirsty.

robinsonk26/Pixabay. Carrying a travel mug lets you have your coffee on the go.
Carry a travel mug,too
.Bringing your own travel cup with you is a great way to have coffee while on the go, without worrying about hot coffee mugs spilling and burning you, or waiting in a café to finish your coffee before you can explore the city. Try getting a collapsible travel coffee mug, which can also save space in your traveling bag for maximum efficiency and copious amounts of delicious coffee.

penphoto/Pixabay. Do not rush on your travels, take in all the sights and smells of the new city before moving on to the next destination
Slow down
While you may be tempted to cover a lot of places in a day, or plan a fast trip overall, it is definitely better to travel slowly and savor it all as you go.
Slow travel is easier on the pocket, and not just that, it really lets you experience the newness and calm of a city you are seeing for the first time. You do not want to miss the sights and smells of a new place as you rush towards your next destination. Having just a day for a city will only keep you anxious, as you keep looking at the clock to make it to the next place in time. Slow down, relax, and take it all in. Who knows when you are coming here next?